Look what I found

Before we start…

Your project: code it progressively & continuously! Ask me questions along the way. Next session is about deployment: it’s better if you have an app to deploy :)

About the next sessions… :
- S5 (today): lots of tips for UI organization - a bit of time at the end for questions
- S6 (next time): light! (styling & deployment) \(\rightarrow\) time to help on projects
- S7: Geocomputing & Twitter example: API & text mining
- S8: chatGPT / modelling (clustering) / stats (regression-tests) / python…?

About the exercises: usually the outcome is pretty ugly. They are intended to make you practice! Up to you to make YOUR project look good!

Idea: post for the best app(s).

Great projects

Great projects require 2 components: technical skills (coding) + UI/UX acumen.

Common issues

Commas & brackets! => use Cmd + I (mac) or Ctrl + I (PC) to indent.


COMMAS (and brackets) in the UI !!!

Back to UI & Server

Dialog: sidebar to server

Dialog: server to body

The full cycle (one last time)

Organizing the dashboard: simple structures

Rows and columns

Columns: 12 units in what is called the Bootstrap grid system.

In shiny(dashboard), most width are computed on this scale (versus pixels). Sometimes, pixels are available.

Embed content in rows

Via fluidRow()!

Embed content in rows (body)

    column(6,valueBoxOutput("box1", width = 12)),
    column(6,infoBoxOutput("box2", width = 12))

Embed content in rows (sidebar)

  column(6, checkboxGroupInput("season", h4("Season"),               
                               choices = list("Summer" = "Summer", 
                                              "Winter" = "Winter"),
                               selected = c("Summer", "Winter"))
  column(6, checkboxGroupInput("gender", h4("Gender"),               
                               choices = list("Women" = "Women", 
                                              "Men" = "Men"),
                               selected = c("Women", "Men"))


Tabs: example

Tabs: code

    title = "Results", height = "920px", width = 12,  # Width in bootstrap, height in px
    tabPanel("Countries through time", 
             plotOutput("plot", height = 300),

Menus (1): example

Menus (1): code

Menus (2): simplify the sidebar


The reference pages for dashboard structure

Formatting: going further

Boxes for KPIs

infoBox & valueBox!

From server with renderInfoBox() \(\rightarrow\) to UI via infoBoxOutput()
From server with renderValueBox() \(\rightarrow\) to UI via valueBoxOutput()

See also tabBox().

Boxes: syntax

Available colors for boxes

Plotly is back: fully integrable into shiny

It’s always better to resort to plotly: https://plot.ly/r/ It’s incredibly simple and very effective!
1. In the server: renderPlot() \(\rightarrow\) renderPlotly()
2. In the server, save the ggplot in a variable and then use ggplotly()
3. In the UI (body): plotOutput() \(\rightarrow\) plotlyOutput()

g <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(x = color, fill = color)) + geom_bar()

Include images

Two options:

  • the image comes from the web, in this case, use:
img(src = 'https://serverblabla/my_Image.png', 
    width = "50%", height = "50%", align = "center")
  • the image is stored locally. In this case create a “www” folder in the app repo where you keep the images and:
img(src ='image_name.png')

Recommended file types: png, jpeg, svg.

What are your questions?

A ‘bad’ question is better than no question (there are no bad questions).

Even the best make errors: https://twitter.com/hadleywickham/status/1188516615635324928?s=11

Next time is the last pure Shiny session: make progress if you want me to help you!

Also, I will talk about app online deployment. If you don’t have an app that works, use one from the course.

Your turn!