First things first: package installation…
# install.packages("shiny") # Shiny
# install.packages("shinydashboard") # Shiny dashboards
# install.packages("DT") # Package for datatables (just in case)
… and activation + load the data. MAKE SURE THE songs.RData and movies.RData files are in the right place!
library(tidyverse) # Just to be sure it's the first thing that is done...
The empty dashboard is given below:
ui <- dashboardPage( # FULL PAGE
dashboardHeader(), # Header zone
dashboardSidebar(), # Sidebar zone
dashboardBody() # Body zone
server <- function(input, output){ # Server: computations!
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) # Aggregates the app.
0. Give a title to the dashboard. Something like “Songs Dashboard”.
1. GOAL: Create a widget to perform a filter on popularity and display the filtered data
in the sidebar, create a slider that goes from 0 to 100. Call the input pop for simplicity. Execute to check! For documentation on slider, type “sliders shiny” in Google and/or have a look at
render the songs dataset as a DataTable in the server and load it in the body of the UI. Hint use a variable name like output$table in the server and use DataTable formats!
This table is not linked with the slider in the sidebar! Next step: inside the server, create a reactive dataset in which a filter updates the range of the popularity of the songs displayed in the UI (Hint: use input$pop in the filter). Then render this dataset instead of the old one.
2. GOAL: add another widget and include a plot (on top of the current app).
Create another widget on the energy variable that spans the unit interval [0,1].
render a plot based on the reactive data with geom_point() with x = energy and y = popularity and color = speechiness
add the filter on energy in the server! To see the effect, add a xlim(0,1) in the plot specs.
Don’t forget to have loaded the movies dataset!
0. Give a title to the dashboard. Something like “Movies Dashboard”.
1. GOAL: Create a widget to perform a filter on duration and display the filtered data
in the sidebar, create a slider that goes from 37 to 330. Call the input duration for simplicity.
render the movies dataset as a DataTable in the server and load it in the body of the UI. Hint use a variable name like output$table in the server and use DataTable formats!
Link the two sides with a reactive filter.
2. Create a checkboxGroupInput widget for the color of the movie (“Color” versus “Black and White”) and apply the corresponding filter in the server. If need be, see
3. Add a plot which shows the average imdb_score (y-axis) of the films for each year (x-axis). Perform the analysis on the dynamic data (not on the original movies dataset).